Sunday, 8 February 2015

☂ lens review (GEO: nudy blue)

Trying to get into the groove of things again, so I'm aiming to at least post twice every month on here (* >ω<) So time for another lens review!! Today I'll be reviewing GEO Medical's Nudy in blue, sponsored by Adelaide Little Lens  as always!

Company: GEO Medical
Diameter: 14.2mm
Water content: 42%
Base curve: 8.60mm
Prescription: Yes
Lifespan: 1 year
left: outside view & right: inside view

Rather than blue, the colours showed up more grey? Nonetheless the colours and design still looks pretty natural :) The only problem I have with it is the space between the limbal ring and my iris, where there is a noticeable gap.

As 14.2mm lenses, the enlargement factor is not significant. This would be great for beginners to start wearing contacts, or for casual wear.

I found that these contacts were thinner than usual, and had some problems when I first put them on. They shifted every time my eyes moved and refused to sit still, but after trying them on again the next day, it stopped shifting. I have no idea why I had problems when I first put them on, but now it's 100% okay and comfortable! Had these on for two hours for when I ran an errand and I only need eyedrops after taking them off.

Overall, I quite like these lenses! Though there isn't anything remarkable about them, they'll probably be used most often for every day wear ♥ 

Sunday, 1 February 2015

★ daiso haul (01)

So recently I got a job (finally!!) and discovered that the shopping centre where I work at also has a Daiso store nearby ♥ Which is so very very bad for my wallet because I always go there during break and spend all my money whoops. In Australia each item is $2.80 and quickly adds up to a lot, which is why this haul is from two separate shopping trips (;° ロ°) 

But here are the items that I bought, mainly makeup products.

eyelash case
Super cute design, the pink and bow on top is an adorable combination! I especially love the three tiers for false eyelashes, as I usually interchange between two favourite top falsies + one bottom. It's not too bulky and easy to just chuck in your bag when going to cosplay events. (PS the real pink colour is better in the first pic, my camera is just not cooperating ;v;)
neutral eyeshadows
This brand of Daiso eyeshadows isn't too bad, I already have the pink/red colour combination which comes very handy! The browns and whites were pretty good, but the copper was especially pigmented and absolutely gorgeous 
colour swatch
And finally the falsies!! 90% of my falsies are from Daiso since they're extremely affordable and great to wear :) The bottom right "cross type" is my go-to pair for cosplay, since it is very dramatic and has a pointed shape. The bottom left is also pretty good for cosplay with it's gradual change from thin to thick lashes, though I'm not a big fan with the thin side as it doesn't show up well on my eyes... The top two lashes are new and I'm eager to try them out!!